Cheltenham, Bristol green business deals

The websites we build and host are on green servers, powered by wind energy.

Contact us for a FREE quote

Are you looking for a good business deal in Cheltenham? Need to be sure you have a cost efficient design team? We ensure our customers are confident in our high quality web design and optimisation services. We can provide Gloucestershire with a green, ecological and fast web hosting service.
Do you have a visible business? Are you based in Bristol in the South West of England? What are you doing to get your company noticed?
  • We can guide you through the conception, birth pangs and sustainability of your web presence, we can create content for your website that can help you sell your products or services, we can optimize your site for search engines and submit them to the major players. We use a combination of automated and human processes to help you towards achieving world domination.
  • We can help you get into the blog charts by installing the most powerful blogging tools around, see below:
We can install, manage and maintain your website or a shopping cart for you and we can do all this on one of our green servers. We can also do the same for your blog using one of our favorite tools, WordPress. This free blogging tool is as an easy and extremely effective way of enhancing your web presence and business. To maintain a successful blog it is important to know your subject and to constantly expand your own personal knowledge. A blog is another marketing strategy used for increasing a site’s relevance, by second guessing what people search for when using a search engine. It is important to write your posts using ‘good’ keywords.

Solar Feed-in-Tariffs cut drastically in Government review

As of 31st October 2011, the Government has announced that they will be slashing Feed-in-Tariffs for domestic solar installations. Government Ministers have emphasised the need to stay within the allotted budget in the face of falling solar costs, but critics are foreseeing a sharp contraction of demand and an end to free solar financing schemes and social housing projects. To read the whole article, click here.

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