Apprenticeships and Small Businesses - free cash #business #businessdeals

Apprenticeships and Small Businesses (49 Employees or less)
South Molton Business Association is aware that there is a need with in North Devon for a small business to expand and grow. This growth is sometimes held back by the lack of appropriate prospective employees or enough cash to employ another member of staff.
Apprenticeships are a cost effective method of gaining an extra pair of hands and enables the business to ‘mould’ an individual and train them to work within an existing working practice.... (Read More)
The value of an apprentice to your small business is to be able to train a young person (16-18 years old) to fit your exact business needs while at the same time not having to incur significant costs during this training period.
How Much Do You Pay To Hire An Apprentice?
Small businesses will NOT be required to pay for the cost of the apprentice’s training.
AND the government will pay you £1000 to employ and train an apprentice.
Small businesses can chose from a list of approved frameworks. These frameworks are job descriptions of workplace environments, one of which should match most small businesses’ job requirements.
The small business works with an advisor from a College or other local training provider to select the framework that best fits their work place.
Small businesses will continue to work with the local training provider, usually their local College, who will manage the ongoing training, assessments and end point assessment requirements as well as provide additional English and Maths training if deemed necessary.
The apprentice will normally complete their training within 12 months, though this can be longer depending on the framework chosen (the requirements of the job training).
Commitment Required of the Small Businesses
The business must employ the apprentice on a contract of employment and pay them at least £3.70 an hour (from April 2018).
The business must provide the apprentice with the on-the-job training required for their apprenticeship.
The business is expected to employ the apprentice permanently once they have successfully completed their training, unless there is a reasonable reason why this is not possible.
Next Step
The SMBA propose to host a meeting between our members, colleges and other local apprenticeship trainers, so you can get more information on how an apprentice would add to the success of your business.

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