WordPress has grown to power 14.7% of web?

WordPress has grown to power 14.7% of the top million websites in the world, up from 8.5%, and the latest data show 22 out of every 100 new active domains in the US are running WordPress.
Info. Source -WordPress

One of the best ways to get into search engines is to use the blogging tool WordPress. This content management system delivers a mighty bang when optimizing a website. WordPress appeared in 2003, with a few users who were looking for a way to enhance the typography of writing on the Web. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. Please contact us via email is you want us to progress your business and build you a WordPress site...Continue reading

 Below is an extract from one of the sites we have built:

“Whatever Happened to the Space Age”
Media: Painting and Screen Print on canvas, signed and dated 2011. 
Size: 400mm x 400mm Buy here…

My heroes have grown old with me or they have died – maybe their death has been a way to freeze time, stop the aging process – not only for them but for me also?.

‘Peter’s exhibition was inspired by iconic images he used when he was at art school in the 70s on the theme of Beauty and the Beast – inc Sid and Nancy and Guy the Gorilla! – and I think the results are really bold and impactful.’

I have always been a hoarder, newspaper clippings, postcards etc. It is only now that I have decided to recycle them.

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