Add YouTube Memorial - free linking #inmemoryof

This service is free

In Memory Of are offering a free memorial service to people who have created a YouTube video for their loved ones. Established in 1999 In Memory Of received worldwide TV, radio and media coverage. In Memory Of was set up to provide a new and unique service,enabling people to express their feelings for their loved ones using our memorial and obituary tribute facility.

If you already have an obituary, memorial page or tribute on YouTube, please feel free to add the link to this site. In Memory Of has a considerable amount of daily traffic and placing your link and a few lines of text will enhance your tribute to your loved one.

Example Memorial on In Memory Of:

Mary Jane Bright 1902 – 1980
When Mary was in her teens she was apprenticed to a chemist in Sheffield, traveling by train every day from her home.

She was the woman behind the scenes in their grocer’s shop, where they were famous for their home made ‘ice lollies’. People still remember them for their delicious treats, which they made from ‘Tizer’ and other bottles of ‘pop’.

She was a ‘Spiritualist‘ by conviction, with local businessmen and tradesmen alike knocking on her door for advice and guidance, and her ‘messages’ influenced deals and life changes all around her. The respect she had was far larger than her diminutive size. Read more

Spiritualism developed and reached its peak growth in membership from the 1840s to the 1920s, especially in English-language countries. By 1897, it was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe, mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes, while the corresponding movement in continental Europe and Latin America is known as Spiritism.
