Free linking - #obituary

Fly Spider Nasturtium by 35mm_photographs
There is no need to feel trapped in the web - there are simple free solutions to set you free.
In Memory Of are offering a free memorial service to people who have created a YouTube video for their loved ones. Established in 1999 In Memory Of received worldwide TV, radio and media coverage. In Memory Of was set up to provide a new and unique service,enabling people to express their feelings for their loved ones using our memorial and obituary tribute facility.

If you already have an obituary, memorial page or tribute on YouTube, please feel free to add the link to this site. In Memory Of has a considerable amount of daily traffic and placing your link and a few lines of text will enhance your tribute to
your loved one.

Example Memorial on In Memory Of:

Samuel Underwood 1881 – 1939

Samuel had a milk cart, which was pulled by a faithful horse. He was an asthmatic and Mary was always concerned when he was over due home. On one occasion he was terribly late and panic set into the Underwood household. The horse and cart was eventually spotted coming down the road without its driver. Fearing the worst, Mary ran out to meet it. In the bottom of the cart was Samuel’s unconscious body. Dragging him out of the back she carried him into the house and placed him in their bed. Then she smelt his breath: he was blind drunk. He was soon forgiven. It was Christmas and his customers’ generosity caused his condition. Read more…

Top image via Flickr:
Taken using a Pentax P30 35mm camera using expired (March 2000) Agfacolor HDC 200. Taken July 2012. Fly Spider Nasturtium, a photo by 35mm_photographs.
