Small business - local searches #madeinengland #madeinbritain

Small business can deliver to the whole world via the Internet but there is still a lot of cash to be made by concentrating on local markets. There are now hundreds of local search engines available to use and submit to that claim to deliver specific localised searches.
More and more, buyers are looking online for products or services local to them, a business that is just around the corner always somehow feels safer than another in the next county and search engines, including Google, are enabling the client to find local enterprises by including a map of local businesses in search results. Will your clients find you? Whether you are selling online or off you need to be visible.
- 86% of consumers use the Internet to find local businesses. (Nielsen NetRatings)
- 74% of consumers use a search engine to find local retail or services. (Nielsen NetRatings)
- The use of search tools to find local businesses grew 58% in 2008 to 15.7 billion searches (comScore).
Basic search engine optimisation is still the best way to stake your claim to local markets.
There are many pitfalls to maintaining your blog profile, an out of date blog sends out the wrong signals to your clients – have you gone bust?
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