100% wind energy hosting
Is it time your website went on a low carb diet. Your web site could damage the ozone layer – the server you host your site on is using electricity 24 hours a day – if you multiply that by the millions of websites out there then that is a significant amount of pollution. Takes some steps to improve the planet Read more…
Contact us for a full package:
- Get your project delivered within a specific time frame.
- Ensure good search engine optimization is employed.
- Get service from expert and experienced web and graphics designers.
- Reduce your project costs.
- We deliver quality all the time.
- Customized web designs and graphics design at low rates.
- We offer very affordable hosting and design packages.
- Give you the experience of an established team of designers .
- Customer satisfaction is our goal.
The web hosting industry has a negative impact on the environment due to the energy hungry servers that are used to keep the Internet fueled. We can all try to limit the impact where possible and hosting on a green server is a step in the right direction. More and more people are buying from carbon ethical companies - tackling climate change is an important criteria.
West Buckland Festival website is powered by 100% wind energy. The machines hosting their site and e-mail are fully eco-friendly! As energy awareness continues to grow, people are not just looking to make lifestyle adjustments, they want to make environmentally responsible decisions, this site is powered by renewable energy. Contact North Devon Web for details on how to make your business website more in tune with today's responsible business (moral and environmental) obligations.
A good blog post
How do you actually write a good blog post? The first important step is to have something to say and then be able to express your thoughts in a cohesive style. Is your blog humorous, informative or extremely serious? There … Continue reading
Posted in optimization
Devon music festival – Green website
West Buckland Festival website is powered by 100% wind energy. The machines hosting their site and e-mail are fully eco-friendly! As energy awareness continues to grow, people are not just looking to make lifestyle adjustments, they want to make environmentally … Continue reading
Business search engine
More and more, buyers are looking online for products or services local to them, a business that is just around the corner always somehow feels safer than another in the next county and search engines, including Google, are enabling the … Continue reading
North Devon Web
Our team at North Devon Web can provide a full range of services that will help you achieve your goals. We can repair and add new exciting features and functionality to your site. Whether your project will take minutes or … Continue reading
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