Is your business running you? We have green solutions

  • Duchamp: I would have wanted to work, but deep down I’m enormously lazy. I like living, breathing, better than working. I don’t think that the work I’ve done can have any social importance whatsoever in the future. Therefore if you wish, my art would be that of living: each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral. It is a sort of constant euphoria.
I have always believed that there is a lot to learn from the history of art. Artists and their crazy approach to their artworks are sometimes similar to a maverick approach to business. But why is keeping things going always the problem? Why is sustainability so difficult?
Creating a new website or business is an exciting process but how long does it take before the enthusiasm wears off and the whole thing, the effort, the drive etc. becomes a chore. Sometimes it is a bit like being held to ransom by your own creation - it has become a monster, a mistress and a master. The whole thing implodes and (isolated) you feel the whole world is against you. Your business is running you, instead of you controlling your dreams.

It is all about survival and creating strategies that make things easier. History books are full of accounts of survival and victory over wars of attrition, apply the solution to your entrenchment. Take control and be the dictator of your own destiny. The alternative is to sink deeper into depression and become overwhelmed and worn down by the prospect of carrying on - to the point of collapse.

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We can install, manage and maintain your website or a shopping cart for you and we can do all this on one of our green servers. We can also do the same for your blog using one of our favorite tools, WordPress. This free blogging tool is as an easy and extremely effective way of enhancing your web presence and business. To maintain a successful blog it is important to know your subject and to constantly expand your own personal knowledge. A blog is another marketing strategy used for increasing a site’s relevance, by second guessing what people search for when using a search engine. It is important to write your posts using ‘good’ keywords.
  • This Window: I would have wanted to work, but deep down I’m enormously lazy. I like living, breathing, better than working. I don’t think that the work I’ve done can have any social importance whatsoever in the future. Therefore if you wish, my art would be that of living: each second, each breath is a work which is inscribed nowhere, which is neither visual nor cerebral. It is a sort of constant futility.
