#Brighton business deals for 2012

Brighton Pavilion by This Window

The websites we build and host are on green servers, powered by wind energy.

Are you looking for a good business deal in Brighton? Do you need to be sure you have a cost efficient design team? We ensure our customers are confident in our high quality web design and optimisation services. We can also provide a green, ecological and fast web hosting service.
  • We can guide you through the conception, birth pangs and sustainability of your web presence, we can create content for your website that can help you sell your products or services, we can optimize your site for search engines and submit them to the major players. We use a combination of automated and human processes to help you towards achieving world domination.
  • We are based in the UK and support is via a UK telephone number.
  • We can provide Yorkshire with a green, ecological and fast web hosting service.
  • Our web updating services, optimisation and services are carried out in the United Kingdom.
  • Support British industry.
  • Contact us for a FREE quote

Brighton Pavilion

The Prince of Wales, who later became King George IV, first visited Brighton in 1783. The seaside town had become fashionable through the residence of George's uncle, Prince Henry, Duke of Cumberland, whose tastes for fine cuisine, gaming, the theatre the young prince shared.

Being remote from the Royal Court in London, the Pavilion was also a discreet location for the Prince to enjoy liaisons with his long-time companion, Mrs Fitzherbert. The Prince had wished to marry her, and did so in secrecy, as her Roman Catholicism ruled out marriage under the Royal Marriages Act.

Royal Pavilion. (2011, December 22). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:40, December 30, 2011, from en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Royal_Pavilion&old...

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