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In 2007 a limited release of 100 CD’s of The Sampler #05
featuring This Window / Finish The Story was released as an exhibition
promo give-away in September 2007. These discs were numbered and have
the exhibition stamp on them.
M4tr Productions have a few copies of this This Window / Finish The Story limited edition release left for £5.00 – contact them and get your copy
Review – Finish The Story – The Sampler #05
“…now their inclusion had been settled five Finish The Story tracks. ‘Playing At Life’ is even better with a mean throb, and more of his sublimely catchy, nagging guitar with Nicola’s unusually piercing vocals and a weirdly spooky synth. ‘Solace’ is more relaxed, actually far more towards the This Window style, being like ambient bellows, billowing………..and there’s an intriguing little slice called ‘Ripples In The Water’ at the end too. Read more…“
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