Powered by WordPress Is your business blog doing it? #wordpress #businessblog #madeinbritain
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Is your business blog doing it?
We’re North Devon Web Creating Businesses
All our web services are carried out in the UK
Web content is the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of the user experience on websites. It may include, among other things: text, images, sound, video, animation and links to social media and blog / news sites.
Keep your website up to date with fresh content - spruce up your image. North Devon Web can create unique content for your website, giving you, your content and product a fresh feel and perspective. North Devon Web can guide you through the conception, birth pangs and sustainability of your web presence, they can create content for your website that can help you sell your products or services, they can optimise your site for search engines and submit them to the major players. Using a combination of automated and human processes to help you towards achieving world domination.
The best way to get business on the Internet is to be on page one of all the major search engines
You can pay to get to the top but is this the best way forward? People probably click “organic search results” more often than paid ads – this could be for a number of reasons but as the end user becomes more savvy he has become more cynical about the tightening grip search engines have.
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